舊生會「意見收集處」在二月期間,曾就母校應否參加教育局之「自願優化班級結構」展開廣泛諮詢,在諮詢期內共接到多份來自不同屆別校友及同學的書面意見。諮詢期完結後,本會把所有收集得來的意見整理成報告書(Opinion Paper)。為方便讀者,本會亦特別準備了簡短的行政摘要 (Executive Summary),供所有校友、同學、老師及其他持分者參考。 本會衷心感謝各位的寶貴意見,希望所有校友在將來能繼續支持舊生會的工作。 “Voluntary Optimization of Class Structure” Alumni Consultation Reports The “Opinion Collection Center” of the Alumni Association (AA) conducted a consultation exercise in February on the issue of our alma mater’s application to Education Bureau’s “Voluntary Optimization of Class Structure”. During the consultation period, a number of written submissions from alumni [...]