HKCWCCAA Official Website

HKCWCCAA Official Website

Advancing into a New Era with Knowledge and Perseverance 好學堅毅 超躍四十

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Archive for November, 2015

Executive Committee (EC) 2016-17 Recruitment – Update

The first HKCWCC Executive Committee (EC) 2016-17 Recruitment Meeting was successfully held on 7/11/2015. A number of alumni attended the meeting and showed interest in joining as EC in the coming term.  Principal Mr. Wong MH and Vice Principal Mr. Yeung CK updated the attending alumni about the HKCWCC re-development project at the meeting. The [...]

HKCWCC Alumni Association Executive Committee Recruitment 2016-17

The HKCWCCAA is going to recruit Executive Committee (EC) members serving the term 2016-17 with effective from Jan 2016 to Dec 2017. The first EC recruitment forum would be held on 7/11/2015 (Sat) 10:30-11:30 AM at HKCWCC Conference Room. All alumni are eligible to take part in the forum and walk-in participations are welcomed. If [...]