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HKCWCCAA Official Website

Advancing into a New Era with Knowledge and Perseverance 好學堅毅 超躍四十

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高校友小四時自大陸移民香港,排除萬難學習英語,就讀母校時對數學及物理建立濃厚興趣。除了讀書外,他一向熱衷體育,尤其精於足球,曾任藍社社長學生會藍社代表2004年中學會考獲得7A2B佳績,次年循「拔尖」計劃入讀中大新亞書院醫學系。2008年,高校友以一級榮譽,完成一年制中大醫學科學理學士課程,旋即獲教授推薦進入倫敦大學學院(University College London)攻讀神經科學,研究期間取得突破性成果,去年以25歲之齡獲博士學位,亦為母校第廿二屆校友中,首位及迄今唯一獲博士學位者,並於同年母校畢業典禮,獲頒「傑出校友獎」,亦為該屆第四位獲獎的校友


(English version)

Press Release

June 6, 2013, HONG KONG

Our alumnus Dr. Owen KO (2005/6S) had significant achievements in brain development and his findings were published in the April issue of a prestigious British scientific journal Nature. Dr. KO’s finding suggests that external stimuli are the main factors affecting brain development.  This finding would be vital in knowing more about the early stage of infant’s brain development.

Owen was an immigrant and entered HKCWCC in 1999.  A keen soccer player, he was the Sapphire Captain during F.6.  He obtained an amazing 7A2B result in his 2004 HKCEE, amid hard work and keen interest in science.  Owen was admitted to the Medical School of CUHK in 2005, before he came first in his class and was recommended to study in University College London in 2008 for a doctoral degree.   He was conferred doctorate last year at the age of 25, and was awarded Outstanding Alumni Scholarship in December 2012.

The Alumni Association congratulates Owen and wishes that he will endeavor to help mankind through his advanced scientific research! Well done Owen!



蘋果日報《跳級博士生 拆解腦部發展

東方日報《中大醫科生 腦研究巨大突破


經濟日報《腦神經網絡 非全先天因素定


am730中大冀培訓醫學領袖助科研 醫科生破解腦神經網絡

文匯報《中大生解神經網 證努力育腦力


The Standard, “Mice help open eyes to early brain boost


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